
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Google Refuse To Acknowledge CFTS - Scandalous!

Despite being the best and most popular website in the world, Google refuse to add CureForTheSore website to their search-engines' index. By doing this, millions of humans browsing on the web, are deprived of the truth and the cure. Is it the hard-hitting facts presented by our intrepid investigators at CFTS that frighten Google? Are they afraid of honest reporting? As they say, THE TRUTH ALWAYS HURTS! Despite this minor setback CFTS will forge ahead - ignoring threats, controversy and rotten eggs. CFTS will rely on word of mouth to bring the the facts to our adoring masses. Our current hit-rate for the site is 8 million a minute, so who needs the Google search engines!!!
Come on Google, "Y'know you wan' it, you love it, you do! You Norvin' Slegs!!"

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At 2:31 AM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Google are twats


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