
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chicken Bhuna Recipe A Fake! Declares TV Chef!

Celebrity TV Chef Adolf Hitler angrily hit out at the media for publishing a bogus Indian Chicken Bhuna recipe supposedly written by him, in the newspapers and on the web. Hitler, a life-long resident of the tiny East Midlands village, Long Whatton, Leics. made this statement through his solicitor, Manny Cohen, "This is obviousdly not the work of my client. Mr. Hitler would never use chopped coriander in this dish. I feel this is the work of disgruntled chefs who are jealous of his celbrity status. When the cuplrit or culprits are found, we will be taking legal action." CFTS reporter J. Al Friezi tried to contact Jamie Oliver, but he was not available for comment. It is believed that Oliver, a former drinking pal of Hitler, is not speaking to Adolf, since he was pushed off the top of the TV Chef Spot by his former friend.

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At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was never a drinking pal of mine. He would never get a round in. Everything he learnt about cooking was from an old copy of Fanny Craddock's: 'Let's have Crack in The Kitchen.'
Jamie Oliver

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

F*ck Off Oliver you big fairy!

A. Hitler

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Chris said...

A report has just come in that one of Adolf's culinary chums, Pope Benedict (creator of Eggs Benedict) has now joined the fray in support of Adolf.
Quoting a 7th century Byzantine epicure, he said of Jamie Oliver's kitchen ' ... the only thing that came out of it were evil and nasty things that made you want to gag.'


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