
Monday, September 18, 2006


All my forums are based on simple, logical dialogue sessions. Humour is also a key ingredient. A sexual dysfunction may not be your dysfunction - it may be that your partner is the dysfunction. Cure For The Sore (CFTS) is here to discuss what you perceive to be a dysfunction. We will look for causes and ultimately, the solutions.
Please leave a comment and explain your problem - feel free to remain anonymous, but do leave a pen-name we can identify you by. There is no cost involved - all our staff are voluntary. Thank You - DocMurf

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At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe my wife is cheating on me. She has changed since our marriage, and no longer wishes to partake in our normal sexual activities. I am worried sick she will leave me for another. Any help would be most appreciated. I would like to be known as Jake for the purposes of communication.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Hi Jake,
You are very brave to come forward to discuss this delicate situation. As I have mentioned, we as a team at CFTS will do our best to resolve the situation. So Judge Cats may also question you, and confidentiality will be totally assured. I will begin by asking very basic questions, which at first, you may find to be totally unrelated. 1) While dining with your wife, do you make noises while you eat, or eat with your mouth open? 2) Do you snore while you are wide awake? 3) Would you give me your wife's age and an accurate physical description of her?
Thanks. DocMurf

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I talk while I eat, so I cud have my mouth open, but whats rong with dat? Wud she cheat on me just for dat? I only snore while am havin a kip. Spose the wife looks allrite. Ways about 15 stone, but has very nice fingernaills and as her own air and teef. Ope this elps.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

She sounds a real beauty - and with those finger nails - It's no wonder she is so highly desirable. Can you clarify on what your normal sexual activities were?
Thanks. DocMurf

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

doc, I feel I can talk openly wiv you. Are normal sex was like anyone else I spose. I would stun her first by twatting her on the head with 4 snooker balls in a footy sock. Then me 3 mates would turn up and they would give me a tenner each just to look after her while I went down the pub. Wharra mates for eh? Sometimes I would stay out till 3 or 4 in the morning, and the wife or me mates didnt mind. They all had smiles on their faces. She would later whisper in me ear and say the sex was great. So I must've be doin summat right. Now she's not interested and I never see her in the evening. And me mates dont call round no more. Where did I go wrong Doc? Jake.


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