
Monday, September 18, 2006


All my forums are based on simple, logical dialogue sessions. Humour is also a key ingredient. A sexual dysfunction may not be your dysfunction - it may be that your partner is the dysfunction. Cure For The Sore (CFTS) is here to discuss what you perceive to be a dysfunction. We will look for causes and ultimately, the solutions.
Please leave a comment and explain your problem - feel free to remain anonymous, but do leave a pen-name we can identify you by. There is no cost involved - all our staff are voluntary.
Thank You.

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At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never done anything like this before, and I'm a little shy. It's diffuclt to chat about it but I believe you when you say it's confidential. You may call me Helen. The problem I think I have is related to sexual fufillment. When I have sex with my partner, I feel I am only half satisfied, if you know what I mean. I have never mentioned it to my partner, and I'm terrified if he finds out, but I am desperate. Is this a dysfunction? If so, can you help. Best wishes, Helen.

At 11:22 PM, Blogger DocMurf said...

Thank you for coming to CFTS. You will not be sorry. I will have to bring in our resident expert, Judge Cats for this case. His experience in these matters is unsurpassed. I leave you in his capable hands.
Thank You. DocMurf

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judge Cats,
Thank you for your wonderful explanation, and you are quite right - things were great in the early days - I was completely satisfied. Things started to go off the boil when my father-in-law died. You see, I only made love with my partner during the presence of his dad. In fact, his dad was a willing participant during our intercourse, and they would practice double penetration on me. It soon became the norm - we would only make love as a threesome. Unfortunately, the strain became too much for him. His wife was beginning to suspect after 11 years. Eventually his heart packed in and now there's no one to pack me in. My back-door man is gone forever. Will I ever be able to relive those glory days again? A very sad Helen.

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