
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bord Gáis Rip Off! Irish Gas Rob The Public!

So I receive my 2-monthly gas bill for July and August and low and behold I have not used any gas - who needs gas central heating in the tropical climes of County Cork!? The bill is broken down as follows:

Gas Used: 0
Supply charge: €37.63
VAT: €5.08
Total: €42.71

Therefore, if I use no gas for 12 months, I still have to pay the gas board 6 x 42.71 = €256.26

Now with the 34% increase in gas charges proposed last month my bill would be €343.39 for using no gas. I wish I was in a business like that!
What do we do as consumers? Would it be cheaper to have your gas supplies turned off fot 9 months?


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