Forget your Mach3Turbo 3-blade, your Schick 4-blade Quattro, or even the new Fusion 5-Blade, because one of CFTS reporters, who is also a Buddhist Monk in his spare time(known as Siddhartha Gautama in the monastery), has come up with the new 'Breed-A-Blade' Razor. The idea came to him while meditating at Wat Pho in Bangkok. The technique involves prayer and our good old mate Buddha. The razor has the power of detecting new razor models around the world. If the current number of blades is 5 for example, it simply gives birth to another blade, so it is always one step ahead of the competition. As Buddhist Monks have to shave their heads at least once a month, these razors are invaluable to these very holy people. Well done Siddhartha! You deserve a good pint of ale when you return to these shores. As for Gillette, your fusion is losin' !
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